Monday, September 10, 2012

Our day

Here is the current daily schedule for Junior Kindergarten:
9:00-9:15 outside supervision
9:15-9:35 entry routines, snack
9:35-9:55 morning circle
9:55-10:15 French
10:15-11:15 play-based learning centres
11:15-12:05 lunch and outside play
12:05-1:05 play-based learning centres
1:05-1:25 gym (every second day) or music & movement
1:25-2:05 book & blanket/ quiet time
2:05-2:25outside play 
2:25-2:45 snack 
2:45-3:00 story and reflection circle
3:00-3:15 whole group activity
3:15-3:30 pack up for home
3:30-3:40 outside play
3:40-3:45 to buses

JK info letter

Welcome to school!

You will notice some things coming home in your child's backpack. The plastic baggie or "Note Tote" with your child's name on it is for communication between parents and teachers. Please remember to send it back to school every day. If it becomes lost or torn, please send in a replacement. Donations of extra-large ziploc bags are always welcome!

Our Borrow-a-Book program also starts this week. Junior Kindergarten students are allowed to borrow as many classroom books as they want, for as long as they need them. We are aware that when books are being well-read by 3-and 4-year olds, they will sometimes sustain damage/ go missing, and we try to maintain a quality classroom collection through donations and thrift shops. If you know your child has lost or damaged a book, please try to find a suitable replacement for our classroom library. Scholastic book orders are another great way to help us improve our book collection.

Photos from the first days of school are available through the link below. 
You will need to send an e-mail to to see photos of the students. Please sign and return the photo permission sheet so that we can continue to document your child's year through photos and videos, to be made into a DVD of memories for you to keep at the end of the year.

Information about volunteering has also been posted below. Please let us know right away if you would like more information about at home volunteer jobs such as classroom laundry or playdough.

At lunch and snack there are sometimes issues with children packing opened juice boxes, pudding cups, etc. back into their lunch bags. Re-usable juice and food containers are highly recommended. If your child is having difficultly, practice at home can be helpful. Try to serve items from breakfast, supper, or weekend meals in your child's lunch kit, to give them a chance to practise opening and closing everything successfully. Mr. Matthew is with the students while they eat lunch and Miss Jannel as well is always available to help the children while they are eating. Please let us know immediately if you have any concerns about your child's nutrition.

Please try to send an extra container of water with your child, especially on hot days.

While we are always willing to help, the reality of a busy classroom means that students are expected to be independent in the bathroom. A child who discovers he or she needs help once already on the toilet may be too shy to attract the attention of a teacher. Please continue to encourage your child to practise wiping and washing hands at home.

Just a reminder that it is important to label everything your child owns with either a permanent marker or name on a sticky label. 

Your child needs to bring:
(1) a pair of shoes to be worn INSIDE ONLY.  Please be sure to choose footwear your child can take off and put on independently.
(2) a complete change of clothing (top, long pants, socks, underwear) and 
(3) a small blanket for quiet book time.  
All 3 of these items will be kept at school.

Every day your child will need to bring enough food for a healthy lunch and two snacks.  A large backpack is encouraged, so that coats, etc. can easily be tucked inside if the weather changes during the day.

We look forward to cooperating with you to make the most of your child's first year of school!
Please contact us immediately with any questions or concerns, through e-mail, a phone-call, or note in your child's "Note Tote". 

the Junior Kindergarten team

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Parent Volunteers

Parent volunteers are welcome in the classroom starting in November, once all the students have had a chance to settle in to their new routines.

Here are some ways parent volunteers can help in our classroom depending upon what time(s) they come:

- tidy book centre
- model good listening during O Canada and announcements
- tidy/sort craft centre
- wipe tables after snack/ crafts

- read to a child or small group
- help at the paint centre (help students write names on work, change paper as needed)
- make something at the craft centre
- play with a small group at any of the creative play centres
- model sorting and clean-up skills

- take down dry art, fold and place in student cubbies

- sit with children and participate in lesson
- talk with teachers (questions, coments) about your observations

- tidy dramatic play centre (house)
- tidy collections (toy corner)

- clean paint centre (cover paint, wash paintbrushes)
- empty water table

Here are some ways parent volunteers can help at home:
(starting right away)
- make play-dough
- wash class "laundry" (very small amount)
- cut out shapes, letters, numbers etc. for crafts
- prepare a special craft or centre for activity time
- collect "treasure trash" and extra craft materials for us

Friday, September 7, 2012

First Day photos 2012/2013

Click here for 1st day photos!

Please e-mail me at for an e-mail invitation to see these photos.  You must be a parent of a student in our class.