Friday, February 24, 2012

Project art and expressive literacy

An example of providing students with materials and a template that requires revisiting the project more than once - Step 1: paint.  Step 2: glue & draw.  Step 3: name your creation


We have been developing the important science skills of:



  and of course, experimentation.

Opening Soon...

Construction has begun on our doughnut shop!
We made cash registers
We are working hard on the menu
Hot coffee- 11 cents

The students wrote and spelled all these words independently(without seeing them or copying them)...

...aren't they impressive writers?!
Hot Hot Hot!

We can't wait to play!

Friday, February 17, 2012


The Grocery Store centre is very popular.
Exploration boxes let children show they can be careful with 
delicate objects, as well as learn how science tools work and 
explore items found in nature.
 Learning to cooperate to achieve a common goal 
has immediate rewards!
The beginning of our "Colours and Light" experiment. 
Another very exciting centre this month!
Sometimes mess happens.  We just clean it up.
The Grade Ones performed for us on Flag Day

Valentine sky                                                                                                                     We read
I made cookies!

Valentines for Family and Friends


Stuck in the Mud

Photos of our latest performance will be added under "More photos".  Please send in your e-mail address for access.  Be sure to print clearly, and please ask again if it doesn't work.

Monday, February 6, 2012

February 2012

Our themes for February are Family, Fun, and Friendship.

Family dish-washing

 "I am making a real bird..."

 "Best Friends"... by best friends

Website open

Family and friends can now access our brand new website at

for "notes home" and photos of our crafts and activities.

Please send us your e-mail address if you would like to access "more photos".

Library books

We are delighted with the response to our open Borrow-a-book policy this year.  With the exception of a few high-demand "special books", our Junior Kindergarten students are allowed to borrow as many classroom books as they want, for as long as they need them.  We are aware that when books are being well-read by 3-and 4-year olds, they will sometimes sustain damage/ go missing, and we try to maintain a quality classroom collection through donations and thrift shops.

We would like to start offering our students access to the wider variety of books in the school library.  Unlike classroom books, library books must be returned on time, and must be replaced if lost or damaged.  Please let us know if you have concerns about your child's ability to be responsible for a library book by completing the following form:

___  Yes, I would like my child to visit the school library each week.

___  No, I would prefer that my child continue to borrow from the classroom library for now. I will let the school know when he/ she is ready.